The Piccadilly Gardens’ Family Fair is a very traditional event inManchester and is run as part of the Manchester Magical ChristmasCampaign. This year’s fair will be open right through the Christmas period until January 3rd January 2011. Families can enjoy a host of great fairground rides ranging fromgalloping horses and a helterskleter, to a swing boat andchairoplanes.
Traditional fairground games such as hook a duck andcoconut shys are guaranteed to keep everyone entertained as Manchestercity centre once again comes alive at Christmas time. Tickets will cost £1.50 for children and the adult rides are £2.00.For those who want to enjoy some refreshments in the vicinity of thefair, the Big Top Bar will be open throughout and will be serving hotcocktails, traditional ales, mulled wine and warm cider, as well as Christmas cakes and mince pies.
Lots Of Entertainment
Musical entertainment will be providedby a selection of bands in the run up to Christmas Day. The PiccadillyFamily Fair is open from 11am to 8pm every day, excluding ChristmasDay. If you fancy taking a group of family and friends along for agreat evening out, book a Manchester minibus so you can enjoy a fewglasses of mulled wine!